Serves 3 - 4
* 250 gram smoked bacon
* 40 grams butter
* 1 onion
* 30 to 60 grams flour
* black pepper
* 500ml milk
* 500ml stock or water (I used beef stock)
* 3 table spoons of coarse mustard
* 1 leek
Slice the bacon in cubes, cut the onion finely and slice the leek in thin rings. Melt the butter in a pot and add the bacon and the onion. Put the heat on low as not to burn the onion and let the bacon slowly cook until crisp. Add the flour and stir until smooth. Let the mix cook so that the flour does not change colour. Carefully add the water/stock and milk to the mix and let it boil until the soup is lightly bounded. Now add the mustard and the black pepper according taste. Stir until smooth and boil slowly for a few minutes more. Before serving add the leek and cook for one minute more.
The soup is now ready to be served.
Mike & Leda
Mike & Leda